本文分析我科2016年3月18日收治1例孕38~(+6)周胎盘早剥入院后胎死宫内患者的应急处理及抢救。报告如下。1病例报告患者女,29岁,既往健康,月经规律。因停经38~(+6)周,阵发性腹痛14小时,持续性下腹痛4小时收入院,产科检查:宫底剑下2指,子宫硬如板状,有触痛,无法触及胎位,胎心80~110次/分,血压135/90 mmHg,宫缩无间歇,无阴道流血及水,阴道检查:宫口未开,浮肿(+)。辅助检查:胎心监护显示:基线140~90 bpm,细变异差,NST无反应型。患者于3月17日晚8点阵发性腹痛,无阴道流血及水,一夜未眠,未来
This article analyzes our department March 18, 2016 1 case of pregnancy 38 ~ (+6) weeks of placental abruption admitted to hospital after emergency treatment and rescue of patients with intrauterine fetal death. The report is as follows. A case report Female patient, 29 years old, past health, menstrual regularity. Due to menopause 38 ~ (+6) weeks, 14 hours of paroxysmal abdominal pain, persistent lower abdominal pain 4 hours income hospital, obstetric examination: 2 at the bottom of the sword means that the uterus hard as a plate, tenderness, can not touch the fetal position, Fetal heart 80 ~ 110 beats / min, blood pressure 135/90 mmHg, uterine contractions, no vaginal bleeding and water, vaginal examination: cervix not open, edema (+). Auxiliary examination: fetal heart rate monitoring showed: baseline 140 ~ 90 bpm, fine aberration, NST non-reactive type. Patients on March 17 at 8 pm paroxysmal abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and water, sleepless nights, the future