在经济全球化下如何适时地对安全战略进行重新定位 ,已成为每个发展中国家国策制定者须认真思考而又要解决的重大理论和实践问题 ,也是一个国家现代化成功与否的必要保证和前提条件。从冷战后第一个加入北美自由贸易区、最早融入经济全球化的拉美国家——墨西哥安全战略的转变中可以得出一些经验教训 ,并以此得到一些对发展中国家安全战略进行重新定位的启示
How to relocate the security strategy in a timely manner under the background of economic globalization has become a major theoretical and practical issue for every developing country’s national policy makers to seriously consider and solve. It is also a necessary guarantee for the success of a country’s modernization. Preconditions. From the first transition to the North American Free Trade Area after the Cold War, the earliest integration of Latin American countries into economic globalization, the transformation of the Mexican security strategy, some lessons can be drawn and some repositioning of developing countries’ security strategies can be obtained Inspiration