介绍在水声随机多途径传输的信道中 ,基于水声的水下无线通信的方法及其实现 .海洋环境的水声信道不仅是一个极其复杂的时—空—频变随机多途径传输信道 ,尚有环境噪声高、带宽窄、载波频率低、传输延时大等因素制约数据传输速率 .介绍的通信方法及支持实现的关键技术 ,都对这些方面的影响予以考虑 .做出的语音、图像以及数据 3种不同的应用系统 ,多数已通过海上实验 ,效果良好 ,可实际应用 .并指出国际上技术先进的国家致力这领域研究的也仅在最近才有极少数取得重大突破 ,该结果展示它与国际近于同水平同步地进展 .
This paper introduces the method and its realization of underwater acoustic communication based on underwater acoustic in the channel of waterborne acoustic randomized multi-path transmission.An underwater acoustic channel is not only an extremely complicated time-space-frequency randomized multi-channel transmission channel, There are still high environmental noise, narrow bandwidth, low carrier frequency, transmission delay and other factors restricting the data transfer rate.The introduction of the communication methods and support for the realization of the key technologies are to consider these aspects.The voice, image As well as the data of three different application systems, most of which have passed the sea experiment, the effect is good and can be applied in practice, and pointed out that the international advanced technology countries to devote themselves to this field of research have only recently achieved a very small number of major breakthroughs, the results show It is progressing at an almost parochial level with the international community.