Fabrication and photoluminescence characteristics of In_2O_3 nanohillocks

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guolsh003
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Uniformly distributed polycrystalline indium nanohillocks are synthesized on silicon substrates with Au catalyst by using the radio frequency magnetic sputtering technique.The results show that the Au catalyst plays a key role in the formation of indium nanohillocks.After thermally oxidizing the indium nanohillocks at 500°C in air for 5 h,the indium nanohillocks totally transform into In_2O_3 nanohillocks.The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy result indicates that many oxygen vacancies and oxygen-indium vacancy pairs exist in the In_2O_3 nanohillocks.Photoluminescence spectra under an Ne laser excitation at 280 nm show broad emissions at 420 nm and 470 nm with a shoulder at 450 nm related to oxygen vacancies and oxygen-indium vacancies at room temperature. Uniformly distributed polycrystalline indium nanohillocks are synthesized on silicon substrates with Au catalyst by using the radio frequency magnetic sputtering technique. The results show that the Au catalyst plays a key role in the formation of indium nanohillocks.After thermally oxidizing the indium nanohillocks at 500 ° C in air for 5 h, the indium nanohillocks totally transform into In_2O_3 nanohillocks.The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy result indicates that many oxygen vacancies and oxygen-indium vacancy pairs exist in the In_2O_3 nanohillocks.Photoluminescence spectra under an Ne laser excitation at 280 nm show broad emissions at 420 nm and 470 nm with a shoulder at 450 nm related to oxygen vacancies and oxygen-indium vacancies at room temperature.
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