条桑无主干,枝条自墩生,多栽植在沙地、坝坡。叶可养蚕,条编织,桑皮还是造纸的原料,具有很高的经济价值。条桑还有防风固沙、调节小气候、护坝保上、改善生态环境的作用。栽培条桑应抓好以下的管理措施。 (一)追肥:采桑施肥后,桑叶、桑条量可大幅度增加。每亩施纯氮15公斤(合尿素32.6公斤),分两次施入;第一次于早春下透雨后,开穴抢墒施入,第二次在雨季挖坑趁湿追肥。 (二)拦蓄水分:因条桑多栽植于沙地、梯田坝坡等处,不能人工浇灌,所以要增大条桑栽植密度,促进拦蓄雨水并且减少地面蒸发,减少土壤流失。 (三)松土除草:在5月中旬和6月下旬各松上除草一次,减少杂草消耗水分、养分。 (四)合理采叶:分批分期合理采叶,采养结
Mulberry no backbone, branches from the pier, more planted in the sand, dam slope. Leaf sericulture, knitting, mulberry or paper-making raw materials, with high economic value. Sang also wind sand, regulating the climate, protect the dam to improve the role of the ecological environment. Cultivation Mulberry should do a good job in the following management measures. (A) topdressing: mining mulberry fertilizer, mulberry leaves, mulberry can significantly increase the amount. Nitrogen per acre 15 kg (32.6 kg of urea combined), applied twice; the first time in early spring under the rain, open hole grab moisture entrusted, the second ditch in the rainy season while wet dressing. (B) block water: Mulberry planted in the sand, terraced dam slope and other places, can not be manually irrigated, so to increase the density of mulberry planting, to promote interception of rain and reduce evaporation on the ground and reduce soil erosion. (C) loosening and weeding: in mid-May and late June each loosely weed, reduce weeds consumption of water, nutrients. (D) a reasonable mining leaves: a rational installment of leaves in phases, mining knot