接种BCG虽能降低儿童原发性结核病(TB)发生严重并发症的危险性,但只应给结核菌素皮内试验阴性的下列儿童接种: 1.不能给予异烟肼预防性治疗而持续暴露于活动性结核患者的儿童;2.持续暴露于对异烟肼及利福平有抗药性的排菌患者的儿童;3.年新感染率特别高(即>1%)的人群。 不再建议给保健工作者或其它具有感染TB的高危成人接种BCG.此外。不应给免疫受损者包括人免疫缺陷症病毒(HIV)感染者接种BCG。
Inoculation of BCG reduces the risk of serious complications in children with primary tuberculosis (TB) but should only be administered to the following children who have an intradermal test of tuberculin intradermal test: 1. Persistent exposure to prophylactic Isoniazid treatment Children with active tuberculosis; 2. children who have been continuously exposed to patients who have been challenged with isoniazid and rifampin-resistant bacteria; and 3. those who have a particularly high rate of new infections (> 1%) per year. It is no longer recommended that BCG be given to health workers or other high-risk adults with TB infection. BCG should not be vaccinated against immunocompromised persons, including people living with HIV.