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1995年9月3日,是中国人民抗日战争、世界反法西斯战争胜利50周年。中国抗日战争是世界反法西斯战争不可分割的重要组成部分。抗日战争的胜利,是中华民族由衰败走向振兴的重大转折点,为国家的独立、民族的解放奠定了基础。为纪念抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争胜利50周年纪念活动,本刊选载一组1936年毛泽东为建立抗日民族统一战线致国民党、蒋介石的电函。意在以史为鉴。没有国共第二次合作抗日民族统一战线的建立,就不会有抗日战争的胜利。当今,祖国统一是人心所向,大势所趋。我们呼吁台湾当局一本“兄弟阋于墙外御其侮”之精神,以民族大义为重,排除障碍,实现祖国和平统一,振兴中华之千秋功业。 September 3, 1995 marks the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. The Anti-Japanese War in China is an Important and Indispensable Part of the World Anti-Fascist War. The victory of the war of resistance against Japan was a major turning point in which the Chinese nation moved from decline to rejuvenation and laid the foundation for the country’s independence and national liberation. In commemoration of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the World Anti-Fascist War, we published a series of e-mails by Mao Zedong to the KMT and Chiang Kai-shek in 1936 for the purpose of establishing an anti-Japanese national united front. It is intended to draw lessons from history. Without the establishment of the second cooperation and anti-Japanese national united front of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, there will be no victory in the war of resistance against Japan. Nowadays, the reunification of the motherland is the direction of the people and the trend of the times. We call on the Taiwan authorities to give priority to the “national integrity” and “remove obstacles” in order to realize the peaceful reunification of the motherland and rejuvenate the Chinese nation in the future.
1 鄙姓居,名其宏。三字连读,以文言解之日“所居何其宏也”,翻成白话便是“家里住房特宽敞”——可惜,父母当年生我时为我立下的这一宏愿,至今依然是我孜孜以求的目标,故此
目的:研究慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)湿浊内蕴证患者治疗前后舌象变化特点及其与理化指标的相关性,为中医舌诊在慢性肾脏病湿浊内蕴证的临床应用提供借鉴。方法:从2017年10月—2018年09月江西中医药大学附属医院肾内科住院病人中筛选出符合本课题纳入标准的慢性肾脏病湿浊内蕴证2-5期患者99例,利用canon70d拍摄患者入院时、住院途中、出院时舌象,同时采集该
目的比较不同切割损伤强度对红心萝卜在5℃,48 h内抗氧化系统和抗氧化活性的影响。方法以切割后组织的表面积与质量的比值来定义切割损伤强度,单位为cm2/g。测定不同切割损伤
目的 观察解郁祛风通络法治疗偏头痛的临床疗效.方法 将38例偏头痛患者随机分为治疗组(20例)与对照组(18例).治疗组予柴芍止痛方每日1剂,对照组给予西比灵(盐酸氟桂利嗪)5 mg,每晚1