肾包膜下肿瘤移植药物敏感性试验(subrenal capsule assay,SRCA)是Bogden等首先提出的。该法是对肾包膜下荷人肿瘤的免疫功能正常的小鼠给予抗癌药物,6天后测量植入瘤块大小,并与植入时的大小相比较,用以反映抗癌药物对植入人肿瘤的敏感性的方法。这一研究起初获得一些响应者。之后,有些作者指出其方法学的不足。本文主要从组织病理学的角度对SRCA进行一些方法学的探讨。
The renal subcapsular tumor transplant subrenal capsule assay (SRCA) was first proposed by Bogden et al. The method is to give anti-cancer drugs to mice with normal immune function under the renal capsule. After 6 days, the tumor size is measured and compared with the size at the time of implantation to reflect the anti-cancer drug. The method of sensitivity into human tumors. This research initially received some respondents. Later, some authors pointed out its methodological deficiencies. This article mainly discusses some methods of SRCA from the perspective of histopathology.