Strain-threshold- and frequency-dependent seismic simulation of nonlinear soils

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erikwg
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A one-dimensional equivalent linear method(EQL) is widely used in estimating seismic ground response.For this method, the shear modulus and damping ratio of inelastic soil are supposed to be frequency independent.However, historical earthquake records and laboratory test results indicate that nonlinear soil behavior is frequencydependent. Several frequency-dependent equivalent linear methods(FDEQL) related to the Fourier amplitude of shear strain time history have been developed to take into account the frequency-dependent soil behavior. Furthermore, the shear strain threshold plays an important role in soil behavior. For shear strains below the elastic shear strain threshold, soil behaves essentially as a linear elastic material. To consider the effect of elastic-shear-strain-thresholdand frequency-dependent soil behavior on wave propagation, the shear-strain-threshold- and frequency-dependent equivalent linear method(TFDEQL) is proposed. A series of analyses is implemented for EQL, FDEQL, and TFDEQL methods. Results show that elastic-shear-strain-thresholdand frequency-dependent soil behavior plays a great influence on the computed site response, especially for the highfrequency band. Also, the effect of elastic-strain-thresholdand frequency-dependent soil behavior on the site response is analyzed from relatively weak to strong input motion, and results show that the effect is more pronounced as input motion goes from weak to strong. A one-dimensional equivalent linear method (EQL) is widely used in estimating seismic ground response.For this method, the shear modulus and damping ratio of inelastic soil are supposed to be frequency independent.However, historical earthquake records and laboratory test results indicate that that Several frequency-dependent equivalent linear methods (FDEQL) related to the Fourier amplitude of shear strain time history have been developed to take into account the frequency-dependent soil behavior. Furthermore, the shear strain threshold plays an important role For considering the effect of elastic-shear-strain-threshold and frequency-dependent soil behavior on wave propagation, the shear-strain-threshold - and frequency-dependent equivalent linear method (TFDEQL) is proposed. A series of analyzes is implemented for EQL, F DEQL, and TFDEQL methods. Results show that elastic-shear-strain-threshold and frequency-dependent soil behavior plays a great influence on the computed site response, especially for the high frequency band. Also, the effect of elastic-strain-threshold and frequency-dependent soil behavior on the site response is analyzed from relatively weak to strong input motion, and results show that the effect is more pronounced as input motion goes from weak to strong.
[摘 要] 药用植物学教学要积极转变教学理念,夯实理论基础,优化理实比例,坚持理实并重;优化教学内容,使传统与现代有机融合起来;丰富教学方法,突出学生主体;开展社会实践,组织野外实践,深化校企合作,提升学生创新力。  [关 键 词] 药用植物学;教学;改革  [中图分类号] G642 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)31-0080-01  药用植物学是一门基础性课程
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