In the physics competition, questions about the relative velocity of rigid systems are often set. They are grouped into three categories in this paper: 1. The contact point velocity of the rope and rod restraint system; 2. The contact point velocity of the contact system; 3. The intersection of intersecting systems Point speed. To solve these three problems, in addition to the common rules of motion and rigid bodies, this paper presents a solution principle for each of the three types of problems, namely: 1. The rigid rods and the points on the rope have the same rod at the same moment, The speed of the rope; 2. The velocity of the contact system in the direction of the normal to the contact surface is the same, and the tangential velocity is the same when there is no relative sliding; 3. The velocity of the intersection of the line system is the intersection of the two lines of the system. The tangent movement of the other party is the sum of the speed and the amount of the man. The article gives three examples of each type of problem and shows the application of each principle in different scenarios.