编者按 这是一个成功者的故事。文章虽然写得质朴无华,却足域震撼人心。因为它基本说清了一个问题:从苏jb农村一介农家子弟,到今天“中国第一鞋王”的缔造者、江苏森达集团董事长,主人公朱湘桂是怎棒通过一次次自我否定、自我超越,用十几年时间划完这一等号的。 读了这个故事,千千万万的有志青年不妨想一想:处在这样一个伟大的时代,昔日的“穷小子”朱湘桂能成功,自己寿什么不能成功?那些小富即安、总也长不大的民营企业的老板不妨想一想:相似的起点、相似的际遇,朱湘桂能够越过龙门成为穿云破雾的蛟龙,自己难道就甘于做一尾永远的“小鲤鱼”吗?我们的各级党政领导者、国有大中型企业管理者也不妨想一想:以朱湘桂为首的几个青年农民,能够在几问牛棚、猪圈、破仓库的基点上起步,上演出一部令国内外商界刮目相看盼威武活剧,人才、技术、资金等诸多要素均占优势的国有企业又有什么理由搞不好、搞不活呢? 总之,在感叹“壮哉,朱湘桂”的同时,我们每个人都不妨认真思考一下:身处这样一个平地起英雄的时代,怎样走好脚下的路,才不至于愧对祖国、愧对社会、愧对自己的人生。
Editor’s note This is a successful story. Although the article is plain and unpretentious writing, but full of area hurts. Because it basically made it clear that a problem: from the Soviet Union jj a rural farm children, to today’s “China Shoes First” founder, chairman of Jiangsu Senda Group, the heroic Zhu Xianggui how once again through self-denial, self-transcendence With more than a decade to finish this equal sign. Read this story, millions of aspiring youth may wish to think: In such a great time, the former “poor boy” Zhu Xianggui can succeed, what life can not succeed? Small private enterprises may wish to think of the boss: a similar starting point, a similar situation, Zhu Xianggui crossed the goal to become a cloud of broken dragon, willing to be willing to be a “small carp” always? We At the same time, leaders of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises and managers of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises may also wish to think about the following: Several young peasants headed by Zhu Xianggui can start a few basics in bullpen, pigsty and broken warehouses, What is the reason why state-owned enterprises, which are dominated by many elements such as talented people, technology and capital, are not allowed to engage in any good or bad business activities? In short, while lamenting “Zhuangzai and Zhu Xianggui,” we at the same time Individuals may wish to seriously think about it: In such an era of playing heroic ground, how to take a good footing in the road, not to shame on the motherland, unworthy of society, unworthy of their own lives.