抓艺术 促学习

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   When rap music was introduced…
  (Rap Music)
  Would you guess that this music video is actually an English assignment?
  Well, it is, and it’s an assignment that is helping students who weren’t excelling in their English and Language Arts class.
  James Gibson (Mission IDEA): Music not only helps students with writing, but with speaking, oral delivery, a lot of different things, 1)intonation, and a lot of these things are actually TEKS—*Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills—that we have to have our students know for the State exam.
  Meet Juan Meza and Omar Celedon, two stars of the high school music video “Mondays.”But these star rappers were not originally star students.
  Juan: …like, not paying attention, like being bad, being rude and stuff.
  Omar: I just like never pass any quiz or any test, none, always failing, always failing.
  But when they could work in a medium that they loved, rap music, their attitude and work ethic totally changed. Juan: Well, at first I was excited. I was, like, Oooo, it’s my first time making a music video. I’ve been thinking of this like I was a little kid, like being a rapper like just like Eminem.
  (Rap: I’m number one. I’m always getting the job done.)
  So with the help of Gibson, Mission *IDEA, English students produced a rap video promoting positive learning.
  James: The things that the students say are incredible. Juan and Omar talk about going to college, they talk about working hard, they talk about a little bit about their culture, but it’s always very positive.
  Meza says it’s been an experience he will always remember.
  Juan: When I came here, like, it changed my, like, my life . . .
  Reporter: Mm Hmm.
  Juan: …cause, like, this school, like, it really cares.
  詹姆斯:学生们现在说的话都让人感到惊讶。胡安和奥马尔在谈论上大学的事,他们在讨论怎么样努力学习,还谈论他们自己的文化,但都是一些正面的东西。   胡安说他永远都会记得这段经历。
  It sounds like a script from a Hollywood movie: take a failing school, introduce the performing arts and watch the transformation take place.
  Of course it’s not quite that easy, but a few years ago, Orchard Gardens was a very different school. Violence was normal and children carried weapons. No teacher stayed for long. Thirteen-year-old Jamal says he was one of the troublemakers. He says art has changed his life, and now he’s winning awards for his paintings.
  Jamal: It interests me. It keeps me calm. Whenever I get, like, upset or so, so I tend to draw when I’m mad.
  Art became a focal point of the school three years ago, when Principal Andrew Bott took over. His first action was to fire security guards and use the money to hire art teachers.
  Andrew: There were a lot of
  people that said, wait, wait a year before you eliminate the security, phase in the arts staff, phase out the security, go through a process. But when I looked at the big picture, it made the most sense to just to go big, go bold, and to do this all at once. If we’re gonna undergo a transformation, it made the most sense to tackle it altogether.
  Voice: …even begin transferring that photograph onto the large watercolour paper.
  Now they’re part of a government program to test whether arts education can make a difference.
  Rachel Goslins (*Presidents’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities): There’s actually a lot of science and research out there that’s come out over the last 10 years; 2)longitudinal studies of tens of thousands of low income kids that show that low-income kids who are engaged in the arts are three times more likely to have high attendance records, they’re four times more likely to be involved in a student club or student government. And they are significantly more likely to have higher achievement and to go on to 4-year colleges.
  Orchard Gardens is one of eight schools in the country receiving $2 million over two years for arts education. But this isn’t about creating a great arts program. This is about using the arts as a fundamental tool for education.
  Along with art, Jamal has also discovered an interest in music. He says the practice keeps him focused and out of trouble.
  Jamal: It keeps me from doing anything bad outside of school, and it keeps me, like, it keeps me to show and other kids that there’s always something big out there in the world that you can do.   故事听起来就像是一部好莱坞电影里的情节:找一所正在走下坡路的学校,引入表演艺术课,然后就可以看到学校的转变了。

  Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills得克萨斯州必要的知识与技能(简称 TEKS)是美国得克萨斯州为一到十二年级学生设置的课程,所有的公立学校都必须遵守。对于课程中各年级要求的每项知识与技能,都会有全州统一的标准考试进行测试。文章中提到的English and Language Arts是其中的一门课。
  President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities总统艺术与人文委员会,简称PCAH,1982年由时任美国总统里根创立,旨在普及艺术人文知识、开展文化外交、通过艺术人文方式促进经济复苏和举办各项活动。
  IDEA 美国得克萨斯州一个创立于2000年的特许学校体系,共有29所学校。其目的是让所有孩子都能上大学,迄今为止,已经连续六年成功地让所有毕业的高中生被大学录取。
如今,大洋彼岸的转基因鲑鱼为成为世界首个可食用转基因动物正在全力冲刺。人们认为鱼类从茫茫大海到餐桌的这段旅程理应拥有被知晓这一基本的尊重。保罗·格林伯格(Paul Greenberg,1967年生,美国作家和散文家)在书中以亲切、诙谐的笔锋,从文化、社会、经济、生态等方面,结合采访纪实、亲身体验和渔业科学,深入报道了鲑鱼、海鲈、鳕鱼、鲔鱼这四种鱼的故事。关心海洋、爱鱼或喜爱海鲜的人们,或许你们会愿
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