Chinese sturgeon is a protected animal in China, also known as “living fossil water ”. Chinese sturgeon is mainly distributed in China’s Yangtze River basin, in addition to China’s Liaohe, Yellow River, Huaihe River, Qiantang River, Pearl River and other waters also found signs of sturgeon. At the same time, sturgeon also has a high scientific research, medicinal and ornamental value. However, due to the continuous economic development of our country in recent years, the industry in our country has gradually matured. This has led to a serious environmental pollution problem in our country. Water pollution has a very serious impact on the reproduction of Chinese sturgeons. In 2013, China’s Academy of Fishery Sciences showed that Chinese sturgeons do not naturally spawn, that is to say Chinese sturgeon may be extinct. Therefore, the natural museums in relevant areas should give full play to their own research and provide scientific and intellectual support for the protection of Chinese sturgeon.