国家统计局召开纪念大会 温家宝副总理发来贺电

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纪念新中国政府统计机构成立五十周年暨全国统计科学研讨会8月7日上午在北京京西宾馆隆重举行。全国人大常委会副委员长蒋正华,全国政协副主席经叔平出席了会议。蒋正华在大会上讲了话,充分肯定了统计工作的重要性。国家计委副主任李子彬、北京市副市长刘志华、国际货币基金组织统计部主任卡尔·卡森分别在会上致辞,对新中国政府统计机构成立五十周年表示祝贺。国家统计局局长朱之鑫代表国家统计局在大会上讲话。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理温家宝专门为纪念活动发来了贺信,贺信全文如下: Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of New China’s government statistics agency and the national statistical science conference were held ceremoniously at the Beijing West Hotel on the morning of August 7. Jiang Zhenghua, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, and Jing Shuping, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, attended the meeting. Jiang Zhenghua spoke at the conference and fully affirmed the importance of statistics. Li Zibin, deputy director of the State Development Planning Commission, Liu Zhihua, vice mayor of Beijing, and Carl Carson, director of the statistics department of the International Monetary Fund, addressed the meeting and congratulated the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the new Chinese government statistics institutions. Zhu Zhi Xin, director of the National Bureau of Statistics, on behalf of the National Bureau of Statistics, addressed the conference. Wen Jiabao, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, sent a congratulation letter specifically for the commemorative event. The full text of the congratulation letter reads as follows:
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