联合国科技发展中心是1979年维也纳联合国科技发展会议之后成立的,它是科技发展政府间委员会下设的秘书处,负责实施维也纳会议上提出的维也纳行动计划。先进技术预警系统(Advance TechnologyAlert System,简称ATAS)是该中心的一项重要活动。本文将简要介绍ATAS的活动内容。建立ATAS的背景 1984年,联合国科技发展中心设立了ATAS。ATAS是一个国际性机构,其目的在于事先提醒发展中国家注意新技术潜在的正负影响,促使这些国家采取必要的防范措施。
Established in 1979 by the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology in Vienna, the United Nations Center for Science and Technology Development is the secretariat of the Intergovernmental Committee for Scientific and Technological Development responsible for implementing the Vienna Plan of Action proposed at the Vienna Conference. The Advance Technology Alert System (ATAS) is an important event for the center. This article will briefly introduce the activities of ATAS. Background to Establishing ATAS In 1984, ATAS was established by the United Nations Center for Science and Technology Development. ATAS is an international body whose purpose is to remind developing countries in advance of the potential positive and negative effects of new technologies and to urge these countries to take the necessary precautionary measures.