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敦煌研究院研究员贺世哲先生因病医治无效,于2011年3月19日凌晨1点20分在兰州逝世,享年81岁。贺世哲先生于1930年农历10月16日出生于陕西省延川县。1948年10月参加革命工作,在中国人民解放军西北野战军司令部任机要员;1950年6月加入中国共产党。1950年冬赴朝鲜,在中国人民志愿军司令部任参谋;1951年11月回国,在中国人民解放军军委三部任机要员。1954年12月转业到北京建筑工程局干部学校从事人事管理工作。1956年,贺世哲先生响应党和国家“向科学进军”的号召,考入兰州大学历史系学习,1960年8月毕业于甘肃师范大学历史系,分配到兰州艺术学院任教。1961年12月,贺世哲先生调入地处大漠戈壁的敦煌文物研究所从事敦煌历史文化研究工作,1980年起任敦煌文物研究所考古研究室主任,1984年敦煌文物研究所扩建为敦煌研究院,1985年起贺世哲先生任院党委委员、考古研究所所长。贺世哲先生1982年评为副研究馆员,1987年评为研究馆员。1993年离休。 Mr. He Shizhe, Researcher of Dunhuang Research Institute, died of illness at the age of 81 at 1:20 on March 19, 2011 in Lanzhou. He Shizhe was born in 1930 in the lunar calendar on October 16 in Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province. In 1948 October to participate in the revolutionary work, in the Chinese People’s Liberation ArmyNorthwest Field Army commander as a key member; In June 1950 to join the Chinese Communist Party. The winter of 1950 to North Korea, the Chinese People’s Volunteers CommandDepartment of staff; in November 1951 to return to the Chinese military people’s Liberation Army three appointed chief. 1954 December job to Beijing Construction Engineering Bureau cadre school personnel management. In 1956, Mr. He Shizhe responded to the call of the Party and the state to “march into science” and was admitted to the Department of History of Lanzhou University. He graduated from the Department of History of Gansu Normal University in August 1960 and assigned to teaching at Lanzhou College of Art. In December 1961, Mr. He Shizhe transferred to the Dunhuang Cultural Relics Research Institute located in the desert Gobi to engage in Dunhuang historical and cultural studies. In 1980, he was director of the Archeology Research Institute of Dunhuang Cultural Relics Research Institute. In 1984, the Dunhuang Cultural Relics Research Institute was expanded to Dunhuang Research Institute, Since 1985, Mr. He Shizhe has served as a member of the Party Committee and director of the Institute of Archeology. Mr. He Shizhe was appraised as deputy research librarian in 1982 and research librarian in 1987. Retired in 1993.
一、显性语法与隐性语法  “显性语法”指语言学家通过对语料进行分析整理出来的语法规则或知识;“隐性语法”指潜意识中存在于人的大脑的语法规则或知识。语法书和语法教学中讲述的语法规则和知识都是显性语法,而每个人掌握的母语技能则是隐性语法。  显性语法需要通过教学来掌握,而隐性语法则是在一定的语言环境中自然习得的。运用显性语法时,难免出错,故需要思考,而隐性语法的使用基本上是水到渠成的。如果英语学习者在
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