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一、课标认识与教学定位选修课的设置,打破了以往教材大一统的局面,满足了学生多方面、多层次的需求,洋溢着浓郁的人文关怀,是本次课程改革的一个亮点。对选修课的处理,如果沿用必修课的模式与做法,那么,选修课开设的意义便不复存在。选修课与必修课在开设上必须有所不同。教材编者在谈到编撰意图时说:选修课在体现基础性的同时应致力于拓展、提高与探究。对此,我们的解读是,必修课立足于教材文本的理解,着眼于学生基本能力的培养,内容 First, curriculum awareness and teaching orientation Elective settings, breaking the unification of the past teaching materials to meet the multi-faceted, multi-level needs of students, filled with rich humanistic care, is a highlight of this course reform. If we follow the patterns and practices of compulsory courses, the meaning of the elective courses will not exist any more. Elective courses and compulsory courses in the opening must be different. Commenting on the compilation of the intent, the textbook editor said: Elective courses should be devoted to expanding, improving and exploring while embodying the foundation. In this regard, our interpretation is that compulsory courses based on textbook comprehension, focusing on the cultivation of students’ basic abilities, content
<正>近年来,经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)的应用逐渐增多,术中造影剂的剂量也随之增加,造影剂相关的不良反应,如过敏反应、造影剂肾病、凝