迪斯尼动画影片《冰雪奇缘》获得2014年第86届奥斯卡最佳动画长片和最佳原创歌曲奖,以及其他的一系列奖项。其中的主题曲Let it go在影片上映之后,迅速传播并被翻译成各国语言,光是汉语版本就有4个,还有方言版,甚至流传出25国语言混声版。针对这一文化翻译现象,本研究比较分析Let it go的汉译情况,指出这是一种目的性行为,背后隐藏着诗学与意识形态的碰撞,并在经济因素的催产之下而诞生。
Disney’s Frozen animation film won the 86th Annual Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film and Best Original Songs 2014, along with a host of other awards. After its release, the theme song Let it go spread rapidly and was translated into various languages. Only four versions were available in Chinese, as well as a dialect version, and even 25 languages were mixed. In response to this phenomenon of cultural translation, this study compares and analyzes the translation of Let it go in Chinese and points out that this is a kind of purposeful act. Behind this is the collision between poetics and ideology, and is born under the urging of economic factors.