Ultrasound guided neural stem cell transplantation through the lateral ventricle for treatment of ce

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wy19841010
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A total of 24 children with cerebral palsy were enrolled in this study and underwent ultrasound guided transplantation of neural stem cells through the lateral ventricle. Neural stem cells (3.8 × 106-7.3 × 107) were injected into the lateral ventricles. Mild injury of lateral ventricular blood vessels occurred in only two cases (8.3%). Seven cases (29.2%) experienced a fever. Clinical manifestations were improved to varying degrees in eight cases (28.0%) within 3 months after transplantation. Patient condition did not worsen, and no patient experienced severe adverse reactions. A total of 24 children with cerebral palsy were enrolled in this study and underwent ultrasound guided transplantation of neural stem cells through the lateral ventricle. Neural stem cells (3.8 × 106-7.3 × 107) were injected into the lateral ventricles. Mild injury of lateral Seven cases (29.2%) experienced a fever. Clinical manifestations were improved to varying degrees in eight cases (28.0%) within 3 months after transplantation. Patient condition did not worsen, and no patient experienced severe adverse reactions.
摘 要:随着网络技术和网络经济的发展,网络对企业和个人的影响愈益增大。与此同时,网络中存在的安全漏洞却也正在相应的增加,网络安全面临新的挑战。通过系统研究发现,对DDoS攻击流量的清洗是目前最适合运营商来开展的业务,本文就是对此问题进行研究,以期可以促进该问题的解决。  关键词:网络安全 流量 流量清洗  中图分类号:TP39文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3973 (2010) 05-060
8月22日至8月26日连续5天,薄熙来受贿、贪污、滥用职权案在济南市中级人民法院公开开庭审理。基于数日来的新闻视频资料,可做出如下的表情分析。 From August 22 to August