根据无花果生长发育特性和20余年生产实践,提出了以育苗、园地选择、定植、土肥水管理、修剪、病虫害防治等为主的无花果高密免农药省力栽培技术,定植当年667 m2产量239.8kg,第2年667 m2产量2 397.6 kg,3年后667 m2产量维持在3 000.0 kg以上,盛果期667 m2收益1万元以上。
According to the growth and development characteristics of figs and more than 20 years of production practice, this paper put forward the effortless cultivation techniques of high density pesticides, including fig seedling, garden selection, planting, soil and water management, pruning, pest and disease control. The output of 667 m2 was 239.8 kg 2 years 667 m2 production 2 397.6 kg, 667 m2 3 years after the production remained at 3 000.0 kg above the full fruit period 667 m2 income 10,000 yuan or more.