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目的了解石化企业育龄女工自然流产发生的影响因素,为制定防制措施、减少自然流产的发生提供科学依据。方法采用配对病例对照研究设计,由经培训的调查员选取南京市某大型石化生产企业3年期间发生的156例自然流产者进行回顾性问卷调查。对照组在市疾病预防控制中心进行健康检查的已婚育龄妇女中选择,按年龄进行1∶1配对。对照组与病例组填写相同的调查表。结果多因素条件logistic回归分析显示,家庭月人均收入、月经是否规律、家中是否养动物、劳动强度、接触苯及其同系物、接触重金属、该工种的工龄、接触噪声、接触振动等因素与石化女工自然流产有显著关联,其中家庭月人均收入是保护因素,而月经是否规律、家中是否养动物、劳动强度、接触苯及其同系物、接触重金属、该工种的工龄、接触噪声、接触振动则是石化女工自然流产的危险因素(其OR值分别为1.865,4.603,1.643,11.445,4.114,4.740,3.936,2.765)。结论该项研究发现了多种与自然流产有关的个人因素及职业因素。为此,石化企业女工必须加强优生优育知识的宣传和普及,妊娠期应调离接触有害职业因素的工作岗位,加强孕期保健,以利于维护生殖健康,提高下一代人口素质。 Objective To understand the influencing factors of spontaneous abortion of women of child-bearing age in petrochemical enterprises and provide scientific basis for making prevention and control measures and reducing the incidence of spontaneous abortion. Methods A matched case-control study was designed. A total of 156 spontaneous abortions occurred during a three-year period in a large-scale petrochemical production enterprise in Nanjing were selected by trained investigators for a retrospective questionnaire. The control group was selected from married women of childbearing age who underwent a health check in the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention and was paired by age of 1: 1. The control group and the case group fill in the same questionnaire. Results Multivariate conditional logistic regression analysis showed that per capita income of the family, regularity of menstruation, whether animals were raised at home, labor intensity, exposure to benzene and its homologues, heavy metal exposure, length of service, contact noise, contact vibration and other factors Female workers spontaneous abortion were significantly associated, of which the family monthly per capita income is a protective factor, and whether the law of menstruation, whether the animals at home, labor intensity, exposure to benzene and its homologues, exposure to heavy metals, the type of service life, contact noise, contact vibration Is a risk factor for spontaneous abortion of petrochemical women workers (the OR values ​​are 1.865,4.603,1.643,11.445,4.114,4.740,3.936,2.765 respectively). Conclusion The study found a number of personal and occupational factors related to spontaneous abortion. To this end, women workers in petrochemical enterprises must strengthen the publicity and popularization of the knowledge of prenatal and postnatal care. In pregnancy, they should be removed from jobs exposed to harmful occupational factors and health care during pregnancy should be strengthened in order to safeguard reproductive health and enhance the quality of the next generation.