在下孤陋寡闻,只听说记者要为抢新闻而起劲地跑,没听说副刊编辑也要为了新闻什么的而踊跃地跑基层。可是前不久,这“没听说”的事儿却被我目睹而加以肯定了! 在“龙”尚未露面之时,赶早的人们已经在借“龙”字大做文章了。因为龙是吉祥物,有人祈求着龙年得“龙子”,有人意欲“龙腾虎跃”一番。于是某市的文化人于元月份发起了个“龙年改革题材笔会及作家企业家对话会”,邀请省内外十几名报刊文艺编辑“到会指导”,本地参加会议者则要求每人带上四五篇稿件,届时好请编辑当面“雅正”,行的话就拍板定稿。
Under ignorance, I only heard that journalists should vigorously run to grab news and did not hear that supplement editors should also run grass-roots for what they want in the news. However, not long ago, this “never heard” thing was affirmed by what I had witnessed. When the “dragon” has not yet appeared, as soon as possible people have already borrowed the word “dragon” to make a fuss. Because the dragon is a mascot, some people pray for the dragon, “Dragon”, some people want “dragon tiger jump” some. As a result, some city-based cultural workers launched the “Year of the Dragon Reform PEN and Writer Entrepreneurs Dialogue” in January of this year. More than a dozen press magazines and editors from both inside and outside the province were invited to attend the meeting. Local attendees asked everyone On the four or five manuscripts, then please edit the face of “Yazheng”, the words of the line finalized.