科技催促生产力与经济的发展,在中国渐渐迈入工业化强国的进程中,随之而来的问题也应运而生,尤其是自1968年日本首次研制出以Zn O为主体的压敏元件以后,Zn O压敏元件的优势在于具有良好的非线性,以及具备强大的大电流吸引能力。尤其在生产力迅猛发展的现代化社会中,它的需求量与日俱增,本文对于高能氧化锌压敏元件从三方面进行阐明,第一:对于压敏元件运行时电阻的工作原理来阐述其存在的必要性,第二:从压敏元件的基本性能,应用类型来进行说明,第三:对于压敏元件的微区成分加以分析与说明。
Science and technology urge the development of productivity and economy. As China gradually entered the process of industrialization, the ensuing problems emerged. Especially since Japan first developed a pressure-sensitive element mainly composed of Zn O in 1968, The advantage of Zn O pressure-sensitive components is their excellent non-linearity and their ability to attract large currents. Especially in the rapid development of productive forces in the modern society, its demand is increasing, the paper for high-energy zinc oxide pressure-sensitive elements from three aspects to clarify the first: the operating principle of pressure-sensitive element resistance to explain the necessity of its existence , The second: from the pressure-sensitive element of the basic performance, application type to illustrate, the third: the pressure-sensitive components of the micro-zone analysis and description.