A Study of Metro Station Names in Zhengzhou from the Perspective of Sociolinguistics

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  Abstract:Sociolinguistics is a study of language structure and language use in social context. The name of subway station can reflect the social history, culture and social psychology of a city. This paper mainly takes 101 station names of 5 lines of Zhengzhou Metro as the research object, and makes analysis of station names in terms of sociolinguistics.
  Key words: Sociolinguistics; name of metro station; social culture
  Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society. Chambers (2002) is more direct: Sociolinguistics is the study of the social uses of language, and the most productive studies in the four decades of sociolinguistic research have emanated from determining the social evaluation of linguistic variants.
  Different languages can also reflect the details of different cultural areas (Mao Nan, 2020). Sociolinguistic theory holds that language does not exist independently, and there is a close relationship between language, society and culture. This paper will study the name of Zhengzhou metro station from the perspective of sociolinguistics, and to explore the linguistic characteristics, naming methods and social and cultural psychology.
  Research scope and method of Zhengzhou metro station name
  Zhengzhou Metro refers to the urban rail transit system serving Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province. By May 2020, there are 5 metro lines in Zhengzhou. They are: Line 1, Line 2, Line 5, Line 14 and Line 9. In this paper, 101 stations of 5 metro lines of Line 1, 2, 5, 14 and 9 are selected as the research objects.
  The research adopts literature method and interview. The author has carefully read the relevant literature and consulted a large number of journals and books. The names of metro stations are from the network, including the official website of Zhengzhou metro, Baidu search engine, etc.
  Language features of metro station name
  This paper makes statistics on the number of syllables in the name of Zhengzhou metro station. From the research, the statistical results are shown in text. The number of syllables is mostly three syllables, followed by more than three syllables, and less two syllables. According to Adaptation Theory, language use is a process of continuous language selection. Through the analysis of the composition of the name of stations, the author found that some station names are nouns. But, the most stations are phrases, such as Wuyi Park, Rose Garden.   Naming method of Zhengzhou metro station
  The fist is street and road. Selecting the street or road name of each area as the bus station name can reduce the pressure of people’s memory (Peng Xiao, 2019). Most of the metro stations are names of streets and roads, such as Qingling Road, Renmin Road, Minhang Road, Kangning Street. The names coincide with the names of the bus stations. Obviously, it is convenient for residents.
  The second is residential area, village as name. There are many stations named after nearby villages or residential areas, such as Liu Zhuang and Guan Hu Tun. As a means of transportation, the main function of metro is to relieve the pressure of ground traffic .
  The third is the name of historical sites, cultural landmarks, scenic spots. From name, people can see the culture of a city. The cultural landmarks or famous scenic spots of the city can be used as station names to promote the urban culture. At present, the names of Zhengzhou metro stations are named after historical sites or important cultural landmarks, such as Liulin Station, Dongdajie Station, West Lake Station. Then, universities and hospitals will also be the choice objects of subway station names. For instance Zhengzhou University. Line 5 is an interesting hospital line, because people can take the metro to most important hospitals of Zhengzhou.
  Social cultural psychology
  Language is not only used to express facts, ideas and events, but also to reflect attitudes, beliefs and world view. In other words, language reflects cultural facts (Sun Lixia). Therefore, the author through station names observe the social culture and the psychology of people.
  As the name of the subway station is concise and clear, with precise directivity, it is a common naming method of subway(Li Yi, 2018). There are some stories about stations. Bi Sha Gang park is one of the three famous parks in Zhengzhou, and also the oldest Park in Zhengzhou. Yanzhuang station is a station on Jinshui road of Line 1 and the story of Yanzhuang is inseparable from Mao Zedong, the great man.
  Subway station name reflects social psychology. Language and culture are inseparable, and language is the carrier of cultural heritage. There are a large number of Zhengzhou metro station names with auspicious words. It expresses the rejuvenation of China and the expression of the beautiful ideals and pursuit of the Chinese nation. For example, Huzhu, Heping and Ankang in Xingqing road Huzhu crossroad, Heping Road, Ankang office and other sites reflect people’s pursuit and expectation of all kinds of beautiful things (Guo Feng, 2019).   Conclusion
  From the perspective of sociolinguistics, it is found that the names are mainly referred to the road signs, commercial areas, scenic spots, transportation hubs and famous universities. Most of them are three or four syllables, which not only conforms to the principle of structural adaptation, but also suits habits of people. It has the characteristics of simplicity. In addition, it not only reflects the historical and cultural accumulation of the city, but also reflects the social psychology that people expect and yearn for a better life.
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  (吉林大学公共外语教育学院  130012)
当前我国跨境电商行业呈现出迅猛发展的直线趋势, 越来越多的传统外贸企业开始涉足跨境电子商务领域, 阿里巴巴国际站为众多中小外贸企业提供了获得更多海外商机的机会。平台上商机大, 贸易机会多, 但同时竞争激烈, 产品信息很容易被覆盖。随着阿里巴巴的上市,阿里巴巴国际站平台规则也随着时代的潮流不断调整更新, 对卖家的专业化要求越来越高, 很多卖家在新客户的开发上和产品的推广上遇到了难题。本文通过分析阿里
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摘 要:在现阶段,为了充分契合事业单位财政以及财务管理改革的各项需求,有必要进一步地规范、完善各大事业单位的会计核算工作,从而不断促进我国公益事业自身的健康、深入发展,实现茁壮成长。本文将2012年《事业单位会计制度》相较于1997年版本所发生的一些变化进行了具体说明,主要包括会计科目以及财务报表发生的一些变化。在此基础上,本文指出了事业单位会计制度所进行的一些创新。  关键词:会计制度;事业单位
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摘 要:电力不仅是现代化发展的关键驱动力,也是其他能源不可替代的资源。为了更好地保证用电效果,进行电学计量监测是不可避免的。本文主要针对电学计量检定及测量系统误差因素进行分析和探讨。  关键词:电学计量检定;测量系统;误差因素  引言:隨着中国科学技术的不断发展,数字测量技术得到了广泛的应用,并逐步向智能测量的方向发展,与此同时测量精度也成为国内外的热门话题。测量系统误差的出现具有一定的规律性,可