日内瓦专电 1991年末,离日内瓦商业区不远的关税及贸易总协定(简称关贸总协定)总部乌拉圭回合谈判厅里,来自约100个国家的谈判代表,个个双眼血丝满布,用已经发哑的声音,再次阐述各自的立场,力争保护本国利益,推动谈判进展。 经过代表们连续10余天通宵达旦苦战,《乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判结果最后文件草案》——俗称邓克尔文本终于在1991年12月20日午夜时分问世了。这标志着乌拉圭回合克服艰难险阻,又向前迈出了一步,基本上完成了布鲁塞尔会议最后所未能完成的任务,尽管谈判
Geneva Special Power In late 1991, negotiators from about 100 countries in the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), not far from Geneva’s business district, were all filled with blood and eyes. The dumb voice again elaborated on their respective positions and strived to protect their national interests and promote progress in the negotiations. After the delegates spent more than 10 days in a row, the draft final document of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, commonly known as the Dunkel text, was finally released at midnight on December 20, 1991. This marks that the Uruguay Round has overcome obstacles and difficulties, and has taken another step forward, basically completing the task that the Brussels Conference could not finish at last, despite the negotiations.