一、单选题(每个小题只有一个适宜的答案。共30小题,每小题1分,共计30分。)1.下列四组生物中,细胞结构最相似的是( )。A.变形虫、水绵、番茄B.烟草、草履虫、大肠杆菌c.小麦、番茄、大豆D.酵母菌、灵芝、豌豆2.做二对相对性状的遗传实验时,不必考虑的是
First, single choice questions (each question has only one appropriate answer. A total of 30 small questions, each question 1 points, a total of 30 points.) 1. The following four groups of organisms, the most similar cell structure is (). A. Amoeba, Spirogyra, Tomato B. Tobacco, Paramecium, E. coli c. Wheat, Tomato, Soybean D. Yeast, Ganoderma lucidum, Pea 2. When genetic experiments for two pairs of relative traits are performed, it is unnecessary to consider