The substituent chemical shift (SCS) has been applied to the assignment of the ~(13)C NMRspectrum of chlorinated polyethylene (CPE). CPE of different chlorine contents has been em-ployed and their sequence structure discussed. The results show that characteristic of CPEwith medium chlorine content is the dichloroethane structure in molecular chain. SCS param-etets have been obtained from the ~(13)C NMR spectra. It was found that the effects of chlorinecontent and temperature on SCS are negligible, but the substituent parameter S_1 reduced by0.39 ppm when C_2Cl_4 was added to solvent ODCB.
The substituent chemical shift (SCS) has been applied to the assignment of the (13) C NMR spectrum of chlorinated polyethylene (CPE). CPE of different chlorine contents has been em -loyed and their sequence structure discussed. The results show that characteristic of SCE param-etets have been obtained from the ~ (13) C NMR spectra. It was found that the effects of chlorinecontent and temperature on SCS are negligible, but the substituent parameter S_1 reduced by0.39 ppm when C_2Cl_4 was added to solvent ODCB.