一、企业三级培训体系内容 (一)MBA培训体系 1.培训目的:提高企业老板素质。 2.课程体系:企业战略管理、企业领导方法与艺术、人力资源开发与管理、市场营销管理、现代生产管理、管理经济学、现代企业制度、企业文化建设与培育、企业形象识别系统(CIS战略)、管理创新与系统思考、五项修炼与变革之舞、如何创建学习型组织、企业面临的形势与经
First, the enterprise three training system content (A) MBA training system 1. Training objectives: to improve the quality of business owners. 2. Curriculum: Strategic management of enterprises, methods and arts leadership of enterprises, development and management of human resources, marketing management, modern production management, management economics, modern enterprise system, construction and cultivation of corporate culture, corporate identity system (CIS strategy ), Management innovation and system thinking, the five dance of practice and change, how to create a learning organization, the situation faced by enterprises