In the process of evolution and adaptation to the external environment, humans form special sensory organs, which include auditory, visual, skin touch, olfactory and other analyzers. Listen to the analyzer throughout the body and brain activity plays an important role, the sound is guided to listen to the end of the analyzer Cochrane organ, and then through the auditory nerve conduction to the auditory cortex, and careful analysis of synthesis, so we feel sound. Deafness or loss of hearing can in some ways affect the workforce. In many occupations, such as car drivers, pilots, telephones, telephones, etc., good listening is not possible. Hearing tests then become an otolaryngologist’s daily routine. The purpose of hearing tests is to determine the hearing is normal, if the hearing loss, but also to determine the degree of hearing loss and the type of hearing loss. And hearing tests on otology diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention of deaf to the giant.