英国威尔士电气管理局开辟了一项光缆新的应用技术,该技术可以为架空电力线的通信网络铺平道路。今年年初已进行了一个六信道的试验线路。为控制馈电网,广泛地采用长途通信,而英国本土的管理局已从British Telecom公司租用通信电路或者敷设自己的通信电缆。采用这二种方法,费用昂贵,但因光缆不受高压电力线所伴随的强磁场的影响,故可以采用同一个架空网,节省了相当大的生产费用。
The Welsh Electrical Authority has opened up a new fiber optic cable application technology that paves the way for overhead powerline communications networks. Earlier this year, a six-channel pilot line has been carried out. To control the feeder network, long-distance communication is widely used, while the British home authority has leased communication circuits from British Telecom or laid out its own communication cable. The use of these two methods is expensive, but because the optical cable is not affected by the strong magnetic field associated with high-voltage power lines, the same overhead network can be used, which saves considerable production costs.