配平复杂的有机氧化-原反应方程式是中学生最感“头痛”的困难问题之一,在有机化学教学中,怎样帮助学生掌握“配平”技巧,克服这一困难是急待解决的一个问题。我们认为“分子—原子”半反应法较好,现介绍于下: 步骤:①写出分子反应式,并把它分成两个“半反应”。②用观察法配平两个单独的“半反应”。
Balanced complex organic oxidation-primary reaction equation is one of the most difficult problems for middle school students to feel “headache”. How to help students master the “leveling” skills in organic chemistry teaching is an urgent need to overcome this difficulty. one question. We think that the “molecule-atom” half-reaction method is better. Now it is introduced in the following steps. Steps: 1 Write down the molecular equation and divide it into two “half-reactions”. 2 Balance two separate “semi-reactions” with the observation method.