Review of Language Learning Strategy

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  【Abstract】In the process of foreign language learning, students should learn more effectively by using more proper learning strategies. In this passage, some relevant theories will be reviewed, including definition, classification and importance of learning strategy based on different researchers’ theories.
  【Key words】Review; Language
  With the shift from teacher-centered teaching model to the student-centered learning model, it has become popular to improve study by learning and using more effective language learning strategy (hereafter LLS), especially when learning second language .
  Some researches began in the middle of 1970s have different opinions on the definitions and classifications of LLS. Based on these theories, Ellis (1994)reaches a conclusion: LLS is techniques, methods and actions which language learners use and take in the process of language learning to make their study effective. LLS refers to both external and internal actions. On the one hand, it means those macro strategies applied to plan, value the study goal, process and results; on the other hand, it is the strategy used to complete some specific study task. In his opinion, LLS are specific physical or mental actions students take to improve their second or foreign language learning skills with the aim to achieve successful learning.
  The classifications are diverse in different researchers’ view. The following are some typical ones.
  Based on the theory of information processing, O’Malley and Chamot (1990)classify LLS into three main groups with several specific strategies under each of them: meta-cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social/affective strategies.
  Meta-cognitive strategies refers to mental activities, such as making plan before starting learning, monitoring the process of completing learning tasks, and evaluating whether he has learned effectively. Cognitive strategies are used by learners to associate the newly-learned language knowledge with the old materials in their minds, including repetition, resourcing, translation, grouping, note taking, deduction, recombination, imagery, auditory representation, key word, elaboration, and transfer. Social/affective strategies provide learners with more accesses to the language, such as cooperation, question for clarification and so on.
  Based on the relationship between LS and language materials, Oxford(1990)puts LLS into two categories: direct and indirect strategies. In his point, direct and indirect strategies are manipulated in the same level. The direct strategies include memory, cognitive and compensation strategies, which directly involve the language being learnt. And, the indirect strategies involve meta-cognitive, affective, and social strategies, which are of great importance in language learning though they maybe not directly involved in the process of learning.   According to the goal orientation, Cohen(2006)divides LLS into two groups: strategies for language learning and strategies for language use. Strategies for language learning are those used in the learning process directly for learning the target language, including identifying the material that need to be learned, distinguishing it from other materials, grouping it for easier learning, contacting repeatedly with the material and committing it to memory in a formal way. Strategies for language mean those used to practice the language after learners have acquired some new knowledge. They consist of retrieval, rehearsal, cover and communication strategies.
  Some relevant surveys shows that, there are some differences in the LLS use between the high-scoring and low-scoring groups. The former group tends to use strategies more often than the latter group and different groups like to use different strategies. Therefore, on the one hand, teachers are supposed to have learners know more about the LLS and training them to use those strategies. On the other hand, learners should improve their study by knowing which LLS is suitable for them and helpful for language learning and therefore use those strategies.
  [1]Ellis,R.1994.The Study of Second Language Acquisition.Oxford: Oxford University Press.
【摘要】模因论是研究文化进化规律的新理论。任何一种通过模仿传递给他人的信息都可以称作模因,流行语作为语言信息,被人们不断复制、传播,因此流行语本身也是一种模因。本文以语用顺应论为基础,从三个“世界”即心理世界、社交世界以及物理世界对流行语模因进行探究,提出了流行语模因能够广为流传,正是顺应了这三个世界的结果。  【关键词】流行语模因 模因论 顺应  一、引言  “模因(meme)”是牛津大学Ric
【摘要】英语作为一种具有实用性的语言工具,只有使其充分融入适宜的交际环境中,才能发挥其运用于交流的功能。以往英语教学存在诸多不合理的因素,致使学生缺乏必要的英语实践,从而导致英语语法熟记于心却不能有效发挥其使用功能的现象。随着新课程改革的不断深入,再加上教育改革向素质教育全面推进的趋势,提高学生的英语交际能力成为当前初中英语教学的重点,本文我们就来谈谈如何提培养初中生的英语交际能力。  【关键字】
【摘要】在高中英语教学过程中,阅读是一个非常重要且困难的教学环节,尽管教师和学生都非常重视这一环节,但阅读仍是很多学生难以跨越的一个屏障,面对这样的一个情景,教师应如何引导学生更好的学好阅读,如何更好的提高英语阅读成绩成文本文研究的一个主要内容。本文就这一问题进行深入的研究和探讨。  【关键词】高中英语 阅读教学 策略  一、快速浏览课文,寻找段落大意  在每次讲解一篇新的阅读文章的时候,教师传统