编前语在中国,艺术策展人这一职业如同美术馆、画廊一样,属于西方舶来品。英文的策展人——Curator一词产生于16世纪的西方私人博物馆,从开始负责博物馆藏品的研究、保管、陈列,有时要兼顾博物馆的行政管理、资金筹集和社会关系等。自17世纪以后私人博物馆向公众开放开始,几百年间,Curator的身份内涵也在不断演变,尤其是1969年赫拉德·史泽曼策划的“当态度成为形式”展览奠定了Independent Curator(独立策展人)的理念,扩延了策展人单纯作为博物馆工作人员的身份,使得Curator的内涵进一步丰富。但策展人身份初始时即带有的研究与守护艺术的责任始终蕴含于其中。
Preface In China, art curators, like art galleries and galleries, belong to the West. Curator, an English curator, was born in the 16th century private museum in the West and has been responsible for the research, custody and display of museum collections since the beginning, sometimes taking into account the museum’s administration, fundraising and social relations. Since the beginning of the 17th century after the opening of the private museum to the public, the connotation of Curator has evolved over the centuries. In particular, the 1969 plan by Hrad Szeezeman laid the foundation for " The concept of Curator (independent curator) expands Curator’s connotation by expanding the curator’s identity as a museum worker. However, the responsibility of the curatorial arts at the outset with the art of research and preservation has always been embedded in it.