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  卡利恩·詹姆斯 著
  Katharine Hepburn, the actress whose independent life and strong-willed movie characters made her a role model for generations of women and a beloved heroine to filmgoers for more than 60 years, died June 29, 2003 at her home in Old Saybrook, Connecticut. She was 96.
  In her youth she did not have classical leading-lady looks, but a handsome beauty. In old age she was a familiar figure with her hair, gradually changing from auburn to gray, always in a topknot and her boyish figure always in the trousers that she helped to make fashionable.
  She played sharp-witted, sophisticated women with an ease that suggested that there was a thin line between the movie role and the off-screen personality. The romantic comedy “The Philadelphia Story” and the screwball classic “Bringing Up Baby” were among her best, most typical roles. But through 43 films and dozens of stage and television appearances, she played comic and dramatic parts as varied as Joe “Little Women”, the reborn Rosie in “The African Queen” and Eleanor of Aquitaine in “The Lion in Winter”.
  Her life and career were dominated by her love affair with Spencer Tracy, which created one of the great romantic legends and brilliant movie pairings of their day. Tracy was unhappily married and the father of two when they met, and he remained married until the end of his life. He and Miss Hepburn lived together for 27 years, until his death in 1967, and made nine films together. “Woman of the Year”, “Adam’s Rib” and “Pat and Mike” are typically bright and biting Tracy-Hepburn collaborations. She is wickedly smart and emotionally vulnerable. He is commonsensical, down-to-earth and deeply decent.
  Hepburn and Tracy, Vincent Canby wrote in The New York Times, “so beautifully complemented each other” that their relationship “never seemed to be a matter of capitulation.” Rather, it was “a matter of understanding and acknowledging each other’s boundaries.”
  Through most of her career, Miss Hepburn had a reputation for being private and elusive with the press. In fact, she frequently granted interviews, although she was reticent about her personal life. But after the death of Tracy’s wife, Louise, in 1983, Miss Hepburn felt free to discuss the love affair.
  In later years she spoke openly about her life and career, especially in her 1991 autobiography, “Me: Stories of My Life”. Although admittedly sketchy rather than a comprehensive memoir, the book captured the qualities that endeared Miss Hepburn to audiences: a conversational tone, a no-nonsense attitude and disarming candor.
  In 1993 she appeared in an autobiographical television documentary, “Katharine Hepburn: All About Me”, made for the TNT cable network. She began: “So this is about Katharine Hepburn, public, private. Can you tell which is which?” She added, laughing, “Sometimes I wonder myself.”
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