Regardless of length, conspiracy theory as a story type, the structure is not complicated, the form is relatively simple. The conspiracy theory is a story that is deduced from the fruit of Cassouin after a certain event is not clear enough. Conspiracy theory is not a purely fictional story. Conspiracy theorists always relied on existing facts to select materials from established pieces of information, and use reasoning and imagination to spell refreshing conspiracies. The structure and process of conspiracy theories can be broadly summarized as: Real events - Extrapolating benefits - Identifying beneficiaries - Locking up conspirators - Developing conspiracies - Editing information pieces. Conspiracy theory has the characteristics of “politicalization of professional issues and conspiracy of political issues”, and without professional barriers, it can attract the active participation of the masses of Internet users. Constructivism on the Internet once formed, will become a self-organizing system, the formation of the snowball effect, self-maturity, self-improvement. A mature conspiracy theory not only can not be discernible, but also has the function of self-certification self-consistent, self-unification, self-justification.