九月相会在西柏坡 抗日战争的后四年,毛泽东和在延安的徐向前,虽然说不上是朝夕相见,也可以说是经常相会。开会、谈话、一块儿视察,有许多难忘的日子。经过延安整风,全党更加认识到毛泽东的伟大。他的革命风格、战略战术原则、善于把马列主义同中国革命实践结合的智慧和领导艺术,使徐向前深深敬服。 徐向前是1940年从山东回到延安的,原是为参加党的第七次代表大会的。长期战争使他积劳成疾,头疼病发作频繁,又在一次骑马外出时左腿骨被惊跳起来的马踢伤,造成骨折住院,以至于他都未能出席中共第七次代表大会。毛泽东十分关心徐向前的健康,不但多次派人到医院慰问,还亲自往和平医院探望。
Meeting in September After four years of the Anti-Japanese War in Xibaipo, Mao Zedong and Xu Xiangqian in Yan’an, although not a matter of day and night, can often be said to meet each other. Meet, talk, check together, there are many memorable days. After Yan’an rectification, the entire party realized Mao’s greatness. His revolutionary style, the principle of strategy and tactics, the wisdom and leadership art that are good at integrating Marxism-Leninism with the practice of the Chinese revolution enable Xu Xiangqian to deeply admire. Xu Xiangqian returned to Yan’an from Shandong in 1940, originally to attend the party’s seventh congress. The long-term war inflicted him hard work and frequent headaches. He was once again kicked by a horse with a broken left leg during a horse riding trip and was hospitalized for a fracture so that he was unable to attend the Seventh Representative Conference of the Chinese Communist Party. Mao Zedong cares very much about the health of Xu Xiangqian. He not only sent his condolences to the hospital many times, but also personally visited the Peace Hospital.