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  On June 8, 2021, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi chaired the Sixth Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Chongqing. Wang Yi said that since last year, under the background of the raging pandemic, six countries along the Lancang-Mekong river have earnestly implemented the consensus reached at the third leaders' meeting and the fifth foreign ministers' meeting, implemented the Five-Year Plan of Action of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (2018-2022), vigorously carried out anti-pandemic cooperation, jointly promoted economic recovery, and continuously deepened cultural exchanges. The LMC has maintained a high momentum of development.
  Wang Yi said, we have set a new benchmark for anti-pandemic cooperation. The six countries have helped each other and worked together to curb the spread of the pandemic. China has set up a special fund for public health under the framework of the LMC Special Fund, strengthened information sharing with other countries, sent medical experts and provided anti-pandemic materials and vaccines to the best of its ability. The six countries have also implemented programs, such as the tropical diseases prevention and control initiative, healthy heart initiative and LMC herbal medicines campaign, and conducted training on malaria, cardiovascular diseases and traditional Chinese acupuncture through video conferencing and distance teaching, in a joint effort to strengthen capacity building in public health.   We have opened up new prospects for economic growth. China and other countries along Lancang-Mekong River have accelerated the construction of a network for fast tracks and green lanes. The number of cargo flights have increased from 49 per week in 2019 to 289 per week, which has effectively enhanced the air cargo capacity of the six countries and stabilized the regional industrial chain and supply chain. China has held economic and trade and investment promotion activities for the five countries, shared its experience in the development of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, launched cloud computing innovation centers in Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia, and carried out innovative projects such as satellite remote sensing and big data platforms to promote industrial upgrading and modernized urban development in the region. We have stepped up efforts to implement the cluster of LMC Harvest Projects. More than 300 Chinese agribusinesses have invested and started businesses in countries along Lancang-Mekong River to expand import of high-quality agricultural products such as rice, beef cattle and mangoes. Last year, the trade between China and the other five countries along Lancang-Mekong River bucked the trend and rose to 322.9 billion U.S. dollars, with trade in agricultural products reaching 24 billion U.S. dollars, both growing by about 12 percent year-on-year.
  We have taken our cooperation on water resources to a new level. In the spirit of science, the six countries have worked hard to improve river basin management capacity and promote rational and sustainable use of water resources. As a country on the upper reaches of the Lancang-Mekong River, China has made full use of the Lancang River water conservancy projects to reduce the water flow during the wet season and increase it during the dry season, and done its best to ensure proper downstream discharge. At the beginning of last year, China again provided emergency water replenishing to meet the needs of countries along Lancang-Mekong River. China has started reporting annual hydrological information of the Lancang-Mekong River and launched the website of the Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Information Sharing Platform to help downstream countries cope with flood and drought disasters. China has stepped up efforts to implement cooperation projects on dam safety, rural water supply, and green hydropower, and has provided exchanges and training programs on water conservancy for more than 1,000 people from countries along Lancang-Mekong River. Last year, China completed 22 demonstration projects for rural water supply in Laos.   We have made new progress in improving people's lives. Over the past five years, the six countries have made full use of the LMC Special Fund and carried out nearly 540 projects benefiting the people in areas such as poverty alleviation, women, education and youth. The Chinese government has supported more than 30,000 students from the five countries along the Lancang-Mekong River to study in China with scholarships. The Lancang-Mekong Vocational Education and Training Base has trained more than 40,000 migrant workers to China in Yunnan. The Myanmar's coffee production increase program has trained more than 11,000 coffee farmers. China has overcome the difficulties posed by the pandemic to build rural school buildings and provide photovoltaic power generation equipment to other countries along the Lancang-Mekong River. The six countries host the 2020 LMC Media Online Summit and LMC TV Week, and organized media from countries along Lancang-Mekong River to visit Qinghai, Tibet, Yunnan and other provinces along the Lancang River, which have raised awareness of LMC.
  We have put in place a new framework for multi-dimensional cooperation. The LMC has created a cooperation framework featuring leader-led, all-encompassing and multi-sectoral participation, which has fully mobilized the active participation of various departments, localities and industries in the six countries. Nearly 50 central government units, around 20 provinces and cities, as well as many think tanks of colleges and universities and media enterprises in China have been involved in the cooperation. Since last year, the joint working group on water resources, agriculture and poverty reduction has been running efficiently. The joint working group on production capacity cooperation has held multi-country and multi-park cooperation and exchanges. The Lancang-Mekong Environmental Cooperation Center held nearly 10 video conferences to advance cooperation on environmental governance and climate change. The Lancang-Mekong Youth Exchange and Cooperation Center has formulated and implemented a three-year action plan to promote education and youth exchanges among the six countries.
  Source/homepage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
2021年6月7日,國务委员兼外长王毅在重庆会见菲律宾外长洛钦。  王毅欢迎洛钦外长来华共同主持中国—东盟特别外长会,赞赏菲律宾作为中国东盟关系协调国,为推动中国—东盟关系全方位发展作出积极努力和重要贡献。  王毅表示,在习近平主席和杜特尔特总统战略引领下,中菲关系克服困难,排除干扰,保持着稳定发展势头。面对疫情,两国互施援手,共克时艰,诠释了“远亲不如近邻”的友好情谊。中方愿根据菲方需要,继续向
摘要:媒介话语中的评价资源为读者感受和判断所报道的事实提供了重要依据。在 Martin等人提出的评价理论的框架下,统计分析了中外8家主流媒体对姚明职业发展不同阶段的新闻报道中的态度资源的分布情况,旨在分析这些评价手段对姚明形象塑造的不同作用,进而探讨导致各评价手段使用频率不同的原因,从而说明在大众传媒时代,媒介话语中的评价资源对体育明星形象的塑造起着巨大的作用。  关键词:体育偶像塑造话语;传媒;
2021年6月7日,國务委员兼外长王毅在重庆会见东盟轮值主席国文莱外交主管部长艾瑞万。  王毅欢迎艾瑞万来华出席纪念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年特别外长会,赞赏文莱作为今年东盟轮值主席,主动积极发挥重要作用,推动中国—东盟关系和东亚合作发展,深化地区抗疫和发展合作。  王毅表示,今年是中文建交30周年,两国启动了系列庆祝活动。中国即将迎来中国共产党成立100周年,开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新
2021年6月8日,國务委员兼外长王毅在重庆会见来华工作访问的缅甸外长温纳貌伦。  王毅表示,今天恰逢中缅建交71周年纪念日。71年来,中缅两国人民同舟共济、守望相助,跨越千年的“胞波”情谊薪火相传、发扬光大。中国对缅友好政策不受缅内外形势变化影响,始终面向全体缅甸人民。中方过去、现在和将来都支持缅甸自主选择符合本国国情的发展道路。愿同缅方在两国共同倡导的和平共处五项原则指引下,推动中缅命运共同体
2021年6月8日,國务委员兼外长王毅在重庆会见越南外长裴青山。  王毅表示,当前中越关系保持健康稳定发展势头。两党两国领导人保持密切沟通,共同为中越关系把舵定向,就深化各领域交往合作作出重要部署。今年前4个月中越双边贸易额突破700亿美元,同比增速超过40%,充分表明两国经贸合作的巨大潜力,体现了两国睦邻关系的高水平。  王毅表示,目前国际地区形势持续深刻演变,百年变局与世纪疫情交织,机遇与挑战
纪念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年特别外长会于2021年6月7日在中国重庆举行。中华人民共和国国务委员兼外交部长王毅和菲律宾共和国外交部长洛钦共同主持会议。  我们忆及30年来中国—东盟对话关系取得的里程碑式成果,重申致力于进一步加强各领域合作,促进共同进步和繁荣。今年的主题“可持续发展合作”恰逢其时。  中国和东盟相互支持、相互帮助,在地区和国家层面采取重要措施,降低了新冠肺炎疫情负面影响。东盟
2021年6月7日,國务委员兼外长王毅在重庆会见印度尼西亚外长蕾特诺。  王毅表示,印尼是重要发展中大国和新兴经济体,中方高度重视中印尼关系。你是疫情发生以来访华次数最多的外长,充分彰显了中印尼交流互动的高密度和互信合作的高水平。双方刚刚在贵阳成功举行中印尼高级别对话合作机制首次会议,达成一系列重要成果。我愿继续同你密切合作,推动中印尼全面战略伙伴关系不断向前发展,壮大发展中国家力量,为维护本地区
2021年6月8日,國务委员兼外长王毅在重庆会见来华工作访问的柬埔寨副首相兼外交大臣布拉索昆。  王毅表示,中柬是全天候铁杆朋友和亲密伙伴,向来守望相助,相互坚定支持。去年两国携手抗击新冠肺炎疫情,推动各领域交往合作高水平发展。习近平主席会见西哈莫尼国王,向莫尼列太后颁授友谊勋章,同洪森首相保持战略沟通,充分彰显了中柬之间牢不可破的传统友谊,推动两国命运共同体建设扎实向前发展。  王毅表示,今年是
2021年6月8日,国务委员兼外长王毅在重庆会见泰国副总理兼外长敦。  王毅表示,中泰是亲如一家的好兄弟、互信合作的好伙伴。两国携手抗击新冠疫情,共同应对百年变局,“一家亲”情谊进一步升华。今年是中国共产党百年华诞,中国开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程。泰国正推进“聚力兴国”政策,致力于改革创新,增强经济活力。中泰合作前景广阔。中方愿同泰方一道,继续高质量共建“一带一路”,为两国和地区经济发展