In conducting his inspection work in Guangdong, Comrade Jiang Zemin once said: “The key to getting things done in China crucial depends on our party and on the party’s ideology, work style, organization, discipline, combat effectiveness and leadership. As long as our party has always become The requirements for the development of China’s advanced social productive forces, the way forward for the advanced Chinese culture, and the faithful representation of the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people will enable our party to remain forever invincible and enjoy the sincere support of the people of all ethnic groups across the country and lead People continue to move forward, ”the important exposition. Immediately after the important speech of the “Three Represents” was published, they have aroused great repercussions in the whole country. They all said: Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important expositions of building a high-rise house, taking the lead in the overall situation, enriching the connotation and profoundly thinking are the applications of dialectical materialism and Historical materialism point of view and methods, inherit history, based on reality, forward-looking future made incisive conclusion. “Three Represents ” important thought, has strong theoretical, practice