肝脏局灶性病变(focal liver lesion,FLL)包括多种良性或恶性肝脏占位性病变,临床常见,其良恶性鉴别对指导临床治疗至关重要。本研究回顾性对比分析超声造影和常规超声在FLL定性诊断中的价值,报告如下。对象与方法1、一般资料:选择2012年4~9月因肝脏占位病变在我院住院手术或穿刺活检并行病理学检查确诊的55例患者,男35例,女20例,年龄
Focal liver lesions (FLLs) include a variety of benign or malignant liver space-occupying lesions. Common clinical features, benign and malignant, are important for guiding clinical treatment. This study retrospectively comparative analysis of ultrasound and routine ultrasound in the diagnosis of FLL value, the report is as follows. Subjects and Methods 1, General Information: Select 55 cases of patients diagnosed by liver biopsy and pathological examination in our hospital from April to September 2012, 35 males and 20 females, age