郭罗沟流域是长治工程项目在甘肃南部的一个项目区 ,该项目区经过 7年治理 ,1997年底水土流失治理程度达到 86 .7% ,农业生产总值已由 14 3.6 6万元提高到 4 84 .4万元 ,林草覆盖率已由 2 1.7%提高到 4 6 .6 % ;蓄水与拦沙效益分别达到 5 2 %和 73% ;人均纯收入由 2 76元提高到 10 0 2元 ;显示出显著的经济、社会和生态效益 ,表明该流域治理措施的布局、配置是合理的 ,能为同类型区的流域治理起到一定的示范作用
Guo Luo Gully drainage basin is a project area of Changzhi project in the southern part of Gansu. After 7 years of project management, by the end of 1997, the degree of soil and water loss control reached 86.7% and the total agricultural output value increased from 146.6 million yuan to 4 84.4 thousand yuan, the coverage of forest and grassland has been increased from 27.7% to 46.6%; the benefits of water storage and sedimentation have reached 52% and 73% respectively; and the per capita net income has increased from 2 76 yuan to 10 0 2 Yuan; showing significant economic, social and ecological benefits, indicating that the layout and configuration of river basin management measures are reasonable and can play a role model for the watershed management in the same type of area