二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)是一种良好溶剂,广泛应用于皮革生产中。职业性急性DMF中毒时有发生。本文按卫生部制订的GBZ85-2002职业性急性DMF诊断标准对2002年1月~2003年11月来我科接诊的DMF中毒37例予以分析。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 37例患者,男36例,女1例,年龄18~42岁,平均28.7岁。接触DMF时间:1~15d,平均6.8d。发病到就诊时间:6h~4d,平均2.6d。在湿法生产线工作的患者12例(32.4%),在干法生产线工作的患者25例(67.7%)。中毒原因:个人防护不到位32例(85.5%);检修设备导致中毒3例(8.1%);设备漏裂导致中毒2例(5.4%)。
Dimethylformamide (DMF) is a good solvent and is widely used in leather production. Occupational acute DMF poisoning occurs from time to time. This article according to GBZ85-2002 Occupational Acute DMF diagnostic criteria developed by the Ministry of Health for analysis of 37 cases of DMF poisoning from January 2002 to November 2003 in our department. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information 37 patients, 36 males and 1 female, aged 18 to 42 years, mean 28.7 years. Exposure to DMF time: 1 ~ 15d, an average of 6.8d. The onset to treatment time: 6h ~ 4d, an average of 2.6d. Twelve patients (32.4%) worked on the wet-line and 25 (67.7%) patients worked on the dry-line. Causes of poisoning: personal protection is not in place in 32 cases (85.5%); maintenance equipment lead to poisoning in 3 cases (8.1%); equipment leakage caused poisoning in 2 cases (5.4%).