拨开岁月的风尘,日历回翻 到1949年12月。 毛泽东来不及抖落身上的 战争硝烟,就匆匆踏上了苏联 “老大哥”的国土,开始了他一生 中第一次出国远行。 这里所要叙述的是当年一 些鲜为人知的细节秘闻。 毛泽东拒绝江青插手选礼品 毛泽东的这次苏联之行,除 了有与斯大林就两党两国所关 心的问题交换意见及商谈两国 之间的有关条约、协定的目的 外,还负有前去参加斯大林的70 寿辰的庆祝活动任务。 既然是去祝寿辰,又是同斯 大林第一次见面,当然要带些礼 品去。 为此,中共中央委托中央办
Pitted the dust of the years, the calendar back to 1949 December. Mao Zedong was too late to shake off the body of war smoke, hurriedly embarked on the Soviet Union, “Big Brother” land, began his first trip abroad. Described here is some of the little-known details of the secret. Mao Zedong refused Jiang’s hand-in-hand election gift Mao Zedong’s trip to the Soviet Union not only had the purpose of exchanging views with Stalin on issues of concern to the two parties and two countries and negotiating the relevant treaties and agreements between the two countries, but also went to Stalin The 70th birthday celebration mission. Since it is to wish birthday, but also to meet with Stalin for the first time, of course, to bring some gifts to go. To this end, the CPC Central Committee entrusted the Central Office