【摘 要】
An old saying goes that the Chinese peopleare the “offspring of the Emperor Yan and theYellow Emperor.” From our last issue,you surelyknow something about th
【机 构】
Medical Division the Greater Encyclopedia of China,
【出 处】
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
An old saying goes that the Chinese peopleare the “offspring of the Emperor Yan and theYellow Emperor.” From our last issue,you surelyknow something about the Yellow Emperor(Huangdi),but who was the “Emperor Yan”?Emperor Yan (炎帝) has also been knownas Shennong (Shennong,the Divine Peasant,神农).According to certain ancient accounts,he was the uterine brother of the Yellow Emperor
An old saying goes that the Chinese peopleare the “offspring of the Emperor Yan and theYellow Emperor.” From our last issue, you surelyknow something about the Yellow Emperor(Huangdi),but who was the “Emperor Yan”?Emperor Yan (炎帝) Has also been knownas Shennong (Shennong,the Divine Peasant,神农).According to certain ancient accounts,he was the uterine brother of the Yellow Emperor
第 11届国际制冷、空调、供暖、通风及食品冷冻加工展览会于 3月 2 8~ 31日在上海国际展览中心和上海世贸商城同时开展。参展的有来自 2 1个国家和地区的 30 0多家厂商。展览
据称Taheebo(Lapacho,Pau d’Arco,lpe Roxo)的制剂和其所含萘醌成分(拉帕酚和拉帕醌类)具有抗菌、抗病毒和抗癌的生理活性。致使最近该草药畅销。 Taheebo作为一种民间草药
大豆系豆科植物大豆(G1ycine maxMerr.)的种子,是非常重要的作物。用于大规模制造食油和加工食品。亦用作药物。最近的研究表明,连续摄取大豆对老年人疾病,如动脉硬化、高脂
山茱萸,又名萸肉,产淳安者习称淳萸肉,为山茱萸科植物山茱萸Comus officnalisSieb.et Zucc.的干燥成熟果肉。淳萸肉产地加工方法,普遍采用水煮法,即立冬前后,当果实成熟变红