一 俗话说:“寒从脚下起”,自古以来人们对脚的重要性早有认识。习武者、行医者对脚的锻炼和医疗已累积了深厚的经验,而贫苦劳动人民的代表贩夫、走卒更是视脚如命,加以珍爱。于是乎,习武者有“拳是两扇门,全凭腿踢人”的格言;行路者遵从“有钱吃药,无钱洗脚”的古训。走东窜西问,于客舍中打一桶热水烫脚以解疲劳是挑夫、脚夫们打尖休息时必行的仪式。“洗脚业”作为旅舍中的一项附属业务开始存在并流行。
As the saying goes: “cold from the foot,” people have long been aware of the importance of the foot. Practicing martial arts and practitioners have accumulated profound experience in the training and medical treatment of the feet, while the representative of the poor working people, who are pawnbrokers and pawns, cherish their own feet and treasure it. Ever since, martial arts who have “boxing is two doors, all rely on the kick” principle; road complying with the “money to take medicine, no money to wash your feet,” the old saying. Tung Ching West asked to go in the guesthouse to fight a bucket of hot water to relieve fatigue is a porter, the footer who hit the tip of the rest of the ceremony. “Foot washing industry” as a subsidiary of the business began to exist and pop.