黄日葵于1921年初加入北京共产主义小组,是中国共产主义运动的先驱者,桂籍的第一个共产党员。他和谭寿林、黄土韬等“普罗米修斯”把无产阶级革命的圣火传到广西,使在茫茫黑夜中摸索的八桂各族人民找到了走向光明之路。 1898年6月23日黄日葵生于景色旖旎的西山脚下桂平城厢的一个书香世家,自小聪颖勤奋。1916年中学毕业后他自费到日本留学。1918年他和李达、李汉俊等参加留日学生抗议北洋军阀政府和日本政府
Sunflower joined the Beijing communist group in early 1921 and was the pioneer of the Chinese communist movement and the first member of the Communist Party of China. He and “” "Prometheus, such as Tan Shou-lin and Huang Tu-tao, spread the torch of the proletarian revolution to Guangxi and found the people of all ethnic groups in Bagui, who had fumbled in the darkness of the night, to the bright road. June 23, 1898 Sunflower sunflower was born in the beautiful scenery at the foot of the Guiping Chengxiang a scholar family, childhood clever diligence. After graduating from high school in 1916, he went to study in Japan at his own expense. In 1918, he and Li Da, Li Hanjun and other students participated in protesting the Beiyang warlord government and the Japanese government