Dynamics of acousto-rheological properties of polymerized materials on their solidification

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:monowing
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An automated system was designed to study in a continuous regime the rheological properties of the care polymeric compositions using the damped vibration method.In a parallel mode measurements of rheological and acoustic characteristics of the care compositions were made on the basis of epoxy resin.Dependencies of shear modulus,viscosity,the sound speed,and the damping coefficient as functions of polymerization were presented.Dynamics of spectral characteristics of acoustic signals in the polymerization were investigated.Comparison of the experimental results obtained reveals that the dynamics of the variation of acoustic and rheological properties is significantly different.The major change of acoustic characteristics occurs in the initial stage of the solid state formation when a transition from a liquid-to-gel like state takes place.Rheological characteristics vary dramatically at the crossover from a high-viscosity to solid state.In the frequency dependencies of an acoustic signal a number of essential features were observed. An automated system was designed to study in a continuous regime the rheological properties of the care polymeric compositions using the damped vibration method. In a parallel mode of measurement of rheological and acoustic characteristics of the care compositions were made on the basis of epoxy resin. Dependencies of shear modulus, viscosity, the sound speed, and the damping coefficient as functions of polymerization were presented. Dynamics of the acoustic signals in the polymerization were investigated. Comparison of the experimental results obtained reveals that the dynamics of the variation of acoustic and rheological properties is significantly different.The major change of acoustic characteristics occurs in the initial stage of the solid state formation when a transition from a liquid-to-gel like state takes place.Rheological characteristics vary dramatically at the crossover from a high-viscosity to solid state.In the frequency dependencies of an acoustic signal a number of essential features were observed.
“闭(bi)上眼,别让墨(mo)水弄到眼睛里。”埃米尔把小伊达的脸涂满(man)了蓝墨水。他像往常一样特别仔细(zi xi),靠(kao)近眼睛的地方一点儿也没涂,所以在她那青色的脸上留下
7月19日 晴  狗尾巴草,是一种很不起眼的野草。可就是这种平时不入眼的野草竟然在我们班挑起了一场“战斗”。  星期三下午,黄老师带我们到校园里的草地上仔细地观察狗尾巴草,然后让大家分成两队:喜欢狗尾巴草的为正方,不喜欢狗尾巴草的为反方。然后查阅有关狗尾巴草的资料,用充足的理由驳倒对方。  星期五下午,同学们信心十足地来到教室,黄老师成了本场辩论的主持。  陈菲先出场。她自信地扫视了全场,拿出一个
Ecologicalization of technology will improve resource utilization; it can realize waste minimization and recycling. Enterprises’ ecologicalization of technolog
[①]  说起来有点儿不好意思,但是,17岁的我确实有几分思春。  时代不同了,邻居家那个初一的小妹妹都坐在小帅哥的后座上招摇过市了。规规矩矩的我,自上初中以来就没有拉过男孩子的手。这让我情何以堪啊?  也许小女生都有爱幻想的毛病儿(也可能是言情小说和偶像剧看多了),我很庸俗地希望出现个帅气贵公子,要不来个强悍小混混,好歹来个失忆青蛙王子什么的——我的要求也不算太高吧?至少我没有仰天祈祷来个梦回清