民用建筑配电系统导线的安全运行与保护装置的设计及导线截面积的计算密切相关。现介绍设计中的注意要点。 1.保护装置的设计民用建筑配电系统中常用熔断器和低压断路器来保护导线和负载。 (1)熔断器的保护配合熔断器的熔体一般在1.5~1.8倍额定电流作用下允许持续运行1h以上,而导线的过负荷能力比它小,因此,熔断器不宜作为导线
The safe operation of the conductors of the civil building distribution system is closely related to the design of the protection device and the calculation of the cross-sectional area of the conductor. Now introduce the design of the points of attention. 1. Protection device design Civil buildings distribution system commonly used fuses and low voltage circuit breakers to protect the wires and loads. (1) Fuse protection Fuse melt fuse generally 1.5 ~ 1.8 times the rated current allows continuous operation for more than 1h, while the wire overload capacity than it, therefore, the fuse should not be used as a conductor