在中西文化交流碰撞的今天,在多元文化形态并存的今天,在戏曲艺术面临严峻挑战的今天,河南电视台的戏曲栏目《梨园春》却红红火火,历经十年而不衰,不断开拓出戏曲艺术的新天地。 值得我们思考的是,《梨园春》诞生在河南,享誉在全国,在文化厚重与底蕴丰实的中原大地上,她走出了一条虽然坎坷曲折但印痕闪跃的成功之路。成功不是偶然的,在成功的背后必然有着深厚的文化背景。本文拟从文化视角对《梨园春》的成功奥妙做些思考。
Nowadays, when the cultural exchange between China and the West is confronting with the coexistence of multicultural forms, today’s drama column “Liyuan Spring” of Henan TV Station is booming with the harsh challenges of traditional Chinese opera. After ten years of hard work, New world of art. Worthy of our consideration is that “Liyuan Spring” was born in Henan Province and is known all over the country. On the Central Plains where the culture is heavy and the background is rich, she has come out of a successful road that has a twists and turns but imprints. Success is not accidental, in the background behind the success must have a profound cultural background. This article intends to think of the success of “Liyuan Spring” from the perspective of culture.