1997~1998 年,在山西临汾、洪洞两地就地膜小麦集水有限补灌技术进行了研究。结果表明,不同时期、不同补灌量处理间产量存在显著差异。从补灌时期看,以拔节期补灌产量最高,其次为扬花期,再次为冬前。从补灌量看,在同一补灌时期,补灌量高者产量高,每公顷每次应不低于150m3 。
From 1997 to 1998, we studied the limited water catchment technology of film mulching wheat in Linfen and Hongdong of Shanxi Province. The results showed that there were significant differences in yield between treatments at different times. From the irrigation period to see, to join irrigation at jointing the highest yield, followed by flowering, again for the winter before. From the amount of irrigation, in the same irrigation period, the higher the amount of high-yield irrigation, each hectare should not be less than 150m3 each time.