步长、步频是决定跑速的两个主要因素。体院学生 10 0m跑步长、步频在短跑教学后发生了怎样的变化 ?笔者就此进行了初步研究 ,结果表明 ,通过短跑教学后 ,绝大多数学生的步长、步频得到了改善和提高 ,步长和步频两个参数产生了新的组合 ,使 10 0m跑成绩得到了提高。在步长和步频两个因素中 ,男生表现为步长提高率大于步频提高率 ,而女生则表现为步频提高率大于步长提高率。
Step, step frequency is to determine the two main factors running speed. Physical education students 10 0m running length, pace frequency in the sprint teaching what happened? I conducted a preliminary study of this, the results show that by sprint teaching, the vast majority of students step, step frequency has been improved and improved , Step and step frequency two parameters produced a new combination, so that 10 0m running results have been improved. Among the two factors, the step-up and step-frequency are the boys ’performance in which the step-up rate is higher than the rate-raising step while the girls’ performance is that the step-frequency-raising rate is greater than the step-up rate.